World Refugee Day is June 20th

We continually update our resources leading up to the day, so please check back for revised links in the body below and in the browse bar to the right.

On June 20th, we invite you to commemorate World Refugee Day in a way that is most appropriate for your community and respects your relationships. Join the global chorus honoring those in refugee situations by:

  • recognizing the courage and resilience of refugees;
  • celebrating the positive impact refugees have on U.S. communities;
  • calling for peaceful resolution to conflicts around the world that cause so many people to become refugees and internally displaced;
  • working to create welcome and safety in countries of refuge and transit; and
  • working within our churches, our communities and with our elected leaders to expand the welcome that we extend to refugees and immigrants who are our neighbors.

Throughout June, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Church World Service, and other ecumenical and interfaith partners will be organizing events to honor refugees. You can find events happening around the country and register your own event with We Are All America. World Refugee Day is also a reminder to share concerns regarding refugee resettlement and asylum policies.

Safe, stable, healthy and affordable housing for all people builds stronger communities. Check out NEW RESOURCES on our World Refugee Day Advocate Page to urge Congress, state legislators and local officials to expand access to housing and uphold our committment to welcome displaced populations with confidence.

May this coverage of the 2022 World Refugee Day celebration in Spokane, WA be inspiration for what you can do in your community.

Throughout the summer and the year, you can be a voice for welcome. Your voice is important. Whether a former refugee or a member of the receiving community. On the Advocate page you will find a ready-made advocacy alert from Church World Service, information on specific policies and funding needed and social media graphics. There are even tips on how to visit your elected officials virtually!

We invite you to dedicate a Sunday worship service to focus on refugees and displaced persons. June 20th falls on a Monday this year and July 3 is Immigration Sunday in the PC(USA). If your church is already connected to a refugee community, this is an opportunity to include them as guest speakers or perhaps share a musical offering. If you are still worshipping online, you might consider using a resource from our Worship page.

Please join us in the spirit of welcome by recommitting this World Refugee Day to building a safe and equitable society, where refugees, asylum seekers, and people of all races and nationalities are welcome. #WeChooseWelcome

Other World Refugee Day websites:


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